July 12, 2020

Corporation – Income Tax Return

Provincial and territorial tax

Quebec and Alberta administer their own corporation income tax systems. Corporations that earn income in these provinces have to file separate provincial corporation income tax returns.

All other provinces and territories legislate their corporation income tax provisions, but the CRA administers them. These provinces and territories do not charge income tax on the taxable income of corporations that are exempt from tax under section 149.

If the corporation has a permanent establishment in any province or territory other than Quebec or Alberta, you have to calculate provincial and/or territorial income taxes and credits, as well as federal income taxes and credits, on the return.


Unless otherwise specified in the legislation, the credits are considered government assistance and must be included in income in the tax year they are received.

Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4012/t2-corporation-income-tax-guide-chapter-8-page-9-t2-return.html


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